Description du livre
A Complete Guide to Clinical Assessment.
Dr Lad teaches a systematic method for identifying the causes of illness and the stages in which a disease unfolds. This paradigm of cause and effect (etiology and pathogenesis) is the key to understanding how disease can be prevented through awareness of the subtle energetic disturbances that precede structural or functional damage. Sharing from a wealth of clinical experience, Dr Lad presents principles and methods of assessment using a combination of the most helpful Ayurvedic and modern techniques.
Dr Lad teaches a systematic method for identifying the causes of illness and the stages in which a disease unfolds. This paradigm of cause and effect (etiology and pathogenesis) is the key to understanding how disease can be prevented through awareness of the subtle energetic disturbances that precede structural or functional damage. Sharing from a wealth of clinical experience, Dr Lad presents principles and methods of assessment using a combination of the most helpful Ayurvedic and modern techniques.
- Format Gebundene Ausgabe
- Label Ayurvedic Press
- Auteur Dr Vasant Lad BAMS MSc
- Langue Anglais
- Nombre de pages 394
- Publié le 1. Décembre 2006
- ISBN 9781883725112
- EAN 9781883725112